The First Sip is Never Enough

I’ve waffled back and forth for quite some time now, trying to decide exactly what to write for this first actual post. Did I want it to be serious and scholarly, or maybe more casual and familiar? Should I try hard to establish credibility? Demonstrate my research and interpretation skills right off the bat? Or start out more simply? Show that this won’t be just another blog filled with overwrought spirits reviews filled with subjective tasting notes that can’t be replicated and don’t really give readers any usable information.

Surely my trepidation stems from the prevalence of that age-old adage trumpeting the significance of first impressions. And, with so much content floating around online now, one could be forgiven for thinking that those first impressions have become even more important. If you can’t grab the reader’s attention in the first few sentences you may well lose them forever as they move on to the next headline that jumps out at them. Even for someone with a fair bit of experience writing, it’s easier than  ever for these concerns to lead to a sort of paralysis. While perhaps not as old as rhyme, it’s certainly a tale as old as time that waiting for perfection is a very good way to accomplish a whole lot of nothing.

And so I found myself mulling this situation over one evening not too long ago while enjoying a negroni. It was then that I came to a realization. A blog, or any creative endeavour for that matter, is a lot like alcohol. This first sip is never enough. Most hard liquor could be used to make the point, but I think the negroni is particularly illustrative of what I’m trying to get at.

For as popular as the negroni has become over the last few years there’s no denying that the flavor profile is a hard sell for the average American palate. Compared to the super sweet or salty foods that are the norm in our country, the bitterness of the Campari sticks out like a sore thumb. If you don’t know what you’re getting into, that first sip can be quite a shock. That’s precisely why the first sip is never enough. A first impression can never be taken back, but that doesn’t mean it has to be the only impression. Once the surprise of the first sip is behind you, you can start to really figure out what the negroni is all about. How the bitterness of the Campari actually balances out against the sweetness of the vermouth and the juniper flavor of the gin. Once you’ve become familiar with all the drink has to offer you can make a better judgement of its merits and whether or not you like it.

I realized that starting a blog is very much the same experience. The first post is an important landmark and may somewhat set the tone for what’s to come, but in the grand scheme of things it isn’t all that important. It is simply a hurdle to clear. And now that is has been I trust it will be at least a little easier to move forward. And with any luck, actually start some Spirited Discourse in the posts to come.

Coming Soon!

Coming soon to a wifi connection near you…An all new blog dedicated to the fascinating and surprisingly interconnected subjects of history and liquor. If you like leaning about spirits, the past, or any combination of the two then this may well be the blog you’ve been waiting for. Stay tuned to this page in the coming weeks as new content will begin rolling out.